
To live a magical life, I feel I must have a purpose. And when I think of purpose, I think of my chosen profession.  Actually,  it is my passion.

I am a teacher.  A Kindergarten teacher to be exact. I understand that I am one of thousands, maybe millions of teachers in this world.  And I understand that in and of itself, this is not special.  In fact, it is one of the things that makes my life “normal.”  

But… It is special to me because it gives me purpose.  Every morning I have a reason to get up and be inspired to live a full life.  A life that I can give to my students.  

What an honor it is to guide these young children in their learning and to allow them to blossom. To let them know it is ok to ask questions. To make mistakes. And to get back up and try again.

When I teach, I am really creating a community where my young students learn to build relationships and to share and collaborate ideas.  We learn that we all have strengths and we all have weakness and that we can overcome problems together.  It is in this classroom that children learn how to work in a group, and many times, this is where they make a choice to love learning.  

To be the person who guides them is important.  I love this work. I love to create activities that my students can build upon and make their own. I love speaking to children at their level. Sometimes our heart to heart conversations are silent, with only our eyes talking and a small hand reaching out to grab mine.  Sometimes our communication is through pictures, especially if language is difficult.  

But we all learn and we all grow. This would include me as I become humbled at the wisdom of simplicity.  I feel as if I forget my wisdom and these tiny souls show me once again what is important…

To ask many questions.

To make friends with everyone.

To live in the moment

And to burst into song when I feel like it. 

So really it is a give and take.  I guide the young people in how to sound out words and count to 100, but they take me back to my true self.  A person who views life as beautiful and magical.

Words by Magical-Normal Life. Image by my school district.

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